Colombia Nabusimake


COFFEE: Nabusimake COUNTRY: Colombia
REGION: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta ELEVATION: 1200 to 1500 meters
PROCESS: Washed & sun dried CULTIVARS: Caturra & Colombiana
PRODUCER: Asociacion de Productores Agroecologicos
Indigenas y Campesinos de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (ANEI)
HARVEST: September to December
AVAILABLE: April to June  

Regional Notes: The ANEI cooperative was created to organize and strengthen eco-agricultural practices of the Arhuaco, Wilma, Kankuamo, and Kogui peoples. Its mission is to support the cultural preservation of these indigenous peoples in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a mountain range in northern Colombia. More than 600 families and farmers make up this cooperative and they all share one vision; to protect their environment through sustainable programs and projects that conserve natural resources and improve the community’s standard of living. This stewardship of the environment derives from their belief that the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is the heart of the world, and that the well-being of the rest of the world depends on it.

Cupping Notes: Heavy and rich, a bit of citrus, and sweetness that lingers.

